Tuesday 14 March 2017

Make a Simple 12 Volt 1Amp Power Supply with transformer

Today we are going to make a 12 volt power supply that can supply maximum 1 amp with a simple transformer.
When we require a regulated 12V and 1Amp power supply it is little expensive when you buy it. But it is cheap & easy if you know the right recipe.

Items required:

Things that you require to make this awesome simple power supply are mentioned below:

(1)1N4001 diodes
(3)Regulator Transformer  having output of 14v - 35v AC with an output current between 100mA to 1A, depending on how much power you need.
(4)1000uF - 4700uF capacitor
(5)1uF capacitor
(6)Two 100nF capacitors
(7)Jumper wires (You can use simple plain wire as jumper wires)
(8)Heatsink (optional)

Circuit Diagram:

If you want a 5 volt power supply, just simply replace the LM7812 to a LM7805 regulator.

You can check the datasheet of the IC for ready reference.

For 1Amp we require heatsink for the regulator, otherwise it will generate too much heat and possibly will burn out.
However, if you require few hundred milliamps (lower than 500mA) then we don't need heatsink for the regulator. Although it will become slight warm.
Dear friends, simply build this amazing power supply and enjoy.

If you have any further questions please feel free to ask them in comment section,  I will try to answer them all.

1 comment:

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